fredag 7 november 2014

Årets första snö

This is how to encourage them - a long whip.
Igår kom årets första snö och idag var jag och barnen upp i stallet. Isac ville inte göra något med hästarna men jag övertalade honom så att vi lekte lite med dem löst i en del av ena hagen. Pepper busade glatt runt först och Isac fotade med min telefon. Stona däremot... de hade inte mycket lust att springa.

Pepper having fun.

First snow

Yesterday came this years first snow and today the kids and I visited the horses. Isac didn't want to work the horses but I got him into playing with them in a part of the pasture. Pepper ran around happily and Isac used my phone to get photos. The mares on the other hand... didn't run much at all.
No, the horses aren't afraid - they comes forward to say hello easily and voluntarily.

Having a good time - four feet of the ground.
Probably the only ass picture that I ever is going to post. David needs his own whip - otherwise he tries to steal mine and screams. On the other hand he drops his own everywhere.. And apparently I try to show Pepper at what direction I want him to move.
My little helper..
Running around makes you thirsty...
As I lead Bunny, Tea and Percy I let Isac bring Calinka. (First time he leads a horse I think).
Isac & Calinka (Don't ask how I manged to capture this with 3 with 3 horses in my hand and a baby on my back...)
Percy - the most spirited of the mares.
David & Mira
David & Mira
David & Mira
Mira & Percy

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