onsdag 6 augusti 2014

Ytterligare en Spotted Mountain!

Nyligen hittade jag av en slump en Spotted Mountain i Sverige. Hon flyttade hit i somras och heter FHR Footy's Lucky Lana med sin ägare Sonja Veltkamp från Holland. Hon är 3 år och efter en Rocky Mountain hingst i Holland - Lightfoot in the Wind. Han är barnbarn till stamhingsten Tobe. Kul att vi fått ytterligare en fläckig mountain häst i landet - den andra!

(Och efteråt har jag kommit i kontakt med hennes ägare genom gemensamma bekanta.)

Photo from her owner.
Picture from the site were I first found  out about Lana.

One more Spotted Mountain!

Recently I accidently found another Spotted Mountian in Sweden. She move here this summer from Holland and her name is FHR Footy's Lucky Lana and her owner is Sonja Veltkamp. She is 3 years old and her father is a Rocky Mountain stallion in Holland - Lightfoot in the Wind. He is a grandchild to the founder stallion Tobe. So nice to get a second Spotted moutain horse in the country!

(And afterwards I got in contact with Lana's owner thru a friend we have in common.)

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